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If you are looking to purchase multiple quantities of CARD GUARD’S and/or DEALER BUTTON’S for a Casino, League, Club or a sponsored Tournament, etc. Please contact the Card Guard Gallery.
There are a handful of good and reliable Card Guard & Dealer Button Supplier’s, who each specialise in a variety of different material’s for the Manufacture of Card Guard’s & Dealer Button’s.
There is no better way of getting free publicity at the poker table, than having your Company and/or Sponsor Logo on a Card Guard.
Please ensure that your Full Name, EMail Address, Landline Number and Country appear on any Communication that you forward to us.
Feel free to ask any questions about CARD GUARDS shown on the CARD GUARD GALLERY Website.
If you are able to advise me with any additional information on any CARD GUARDS displayed in the
CARD GUARD GALLERY, I would be very pleased to hear from you.
Very many thanks.
Gerald a.k.a. SKULLMAN

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